Thursday 14 August 2008

Big Changes In Public Attitudes Toward Different Industries Since Last Year

�Every year at this time, The Harris Poll� measures public attitudes more or less 20 different industries. Specifically, we ask whether each industry is generally doing a good or a bad job of serving consumers. This year's survey finds many big changes, up and down, since last class.

These ar some of the results of a nationwide telephony survey conducted by Harris Interactive� among 1,010 U.S. adults between July 8 and 13, 2008:

Industries with the Best Reputations

Supermarkets continue to get punter scores than any other industry; in full 90 pct of all adults think they do a proficient job and only six-spot percent suppose they do a short job, gift them a net positive score of 84. Next in the list of industries with the best reputations ar online search engines (65), computer hardware companies (64), computer software system companies (59), hospitals (53), and Internet service providers (52).

Industries with Worst Reputations

Tobacco companies (43) and oil colour companies (xxxii) come at the bottom of the list, far below the other 19 industries. The two other industries with negative wads are managed care companies (-14) and health insurance (-9), which are now more or less synonymous.

Three former industries have low grade below 20: cable companies (14), pharmaceuticals (15) and airlines (18).

Industries that Have Improved since Last Year

Five industries take seen their reputation heaps improve by six points or more than since last year: cable companies (+15), health insurance policy (+12), sprightliness insurance (+8), Internet serving providers (+6) and managed care (+6).

Industries that Have Lost Ground since Last Year

Six industries have seen their gobs get worse this year. Investment and brokerage firms have missed the most ground (twenty-one). Also sir Joseph Banks lost 10 points. These changes reflect the problems triggered by the sub-prime mortgage crisis.

Other industries to go down are online search engines (twelve), packaged food companies (-9), car manufacturers (-9), and pharmaceuticals (-6).

Changes since 1997

Three industries let seen really massive declines in their reputations since Harris kickoff asked these questions xI years ago in 1997:

- Oil companies have fallen 56 points from 24 point positive to 32 negative;

- Airlines have fallen 48 points from 66 positive to 18 positive since 1998 (they were not included in the 1997 appraise);

- Pharmaceutical companies have fallen 45 points from 60 positive to 15 positive this year.

Three other industries have suffered declines of more than 20 points since 1997: managed care (blue 27 points), telephone companies (down 24 points since 1997), and health insurance (down 22 points).

So What?

Our experience teaches us that this question is more than than a measure of how well industries are serving their consumers. It also reflects the overall reputation of the industries measured.

A review of why industries have gained or helpless popularity makes it clear there are at least three factors at work:

- Personal experiences (e.g., higher oil or drug prices or misfortunate airlines service);

- Other real world events (e.g., the banking and mortgage crisis); and

- Media coverage.

Of course, these ar all linked. Real world events, forged service and bad experiences can lead to bad media coverage. But thither are besides cases where personal experiences are relatively positive and media coverage tends to be negative (such as health indemnity). Clearly industries need to focus on good customer service and running their business successfully with a strong focus on the public interest. When the price of an industry's goods and services rises sharply, the quality of their services decline or they have a bunch of unfavourable press reporting, they should expect to become more unpopular.

Harris Interactive measures corporate and brand reputation through its EquiTrend� and Reputation Quotient studies. For more information, please visit


The Harris Poll� was conducted by phone within the United States between July 8 and 13, 2008 among a nationwide cross section of 1,010 adults (aged 18 and over). Figures for age, sex, race, education, number of adults, number of voice/telephone lines in the household, region and size of place were weighted where necessary to coordinate them with their actual proportions in the universe. However, only approximately five hundred people were asked about each industry. Full information tables and methodology for this study can be found at These statements conform to the principles of disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

About Harris Interactive

Harris Interactive is a global leader in usance market research. With a long and rich account in multimodal research, powered by our science and technology, we assist clients in achieving business results. Harris Interactive serves clients globally through and through our North American, European and Asian offices and a network of independent market enquiry firms.

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